Are You Ready to Rediscover a Life You Love?

Counseling for Women

While it’s totally normal to wonder why your life isn’t where you want it to be, you still need a way to get it sorted. We all need somewhere safe to share our thoughts and feelings and get to the root of what’s happening. That’s exactly what we’re here for—to help guide you toward a more fulfilling feel-good life.

Counseling for Teen Girls

Do you have a daughter struggling with depression or anxiety? Today’s social-media-driven, body-image-obsessed world can make life really difficult for girls to know who they are or what they want to be. We specialize in helping girls develop the wisdom, strength, and confidence to handle peer pressure both on- and offline.

Medication Management

A holistic approach to mental health care sometimes means considering certain medications. When used correctly, medications can reduce symptoms of overwhelm and increase your ability to function in life. And there is absolutely no shame or judgment in it—this is a safe place to explore or get assistance managing meds.

Intensive Therapy

In Therapy Intensives, healing time is maximized. The only client the therapist has for the entire day is you. Each Therapy Intensive is up to 8 hours of highly-focused individual counseling. After experiencing rapid emotional healing, you will leave transformed and renewed.


Hypnosis is a natural state of altered consciousness that occurs normally in every person just before he/she enters into the sleep state. In therapeutic hypnosis we prolong this brief interlude so that we can work within its bounds and use it for healing for you. 

EMDR Therapy

Unlike traditional therapy, EMDR doesn’t require in-depth talk about distressing or traumatic experiences. Instead, it allows the brain to use its natural healing process to root the source of painful memories and gently adjust how the brain and body remember and respond to them.